Information on orders for delivery outside of the UK


B2C Orders - Normal orders purchased by end consumers in the EU 

All orders placed by end consumers based in Europe will be sent using Import One Stop Shop (IOSS). This means VAT will be applied to the price of the goods and delivery when you checkout at the VAT rate of the country you are ordering to. No Additional duty or taxes will need to be paid by the end user on delivery.

To allow us to send your order using IOSS the maximum value of the order can not exceed £135 excluding VAT and delivery charges. If your order is going to exceed the £135 limit, then please split your order into more than one sale so each order is under the limit. Orders split like this will be sent separately to comply with the IOSS rules and due to this the postage cost will need to be on each part of the order.


B2C Order Examples

You wish to order 12 x ROLL009L in 23mm wheel size to Germany. We advertise ROLL009L at £10.00 including 20% UK VAT.

£10.00 less the 20% UK VAT = £8.33. So each ROLL009L is £8.33 ex VAT.

You were ordering 12 of these rollers, so £10.00 x 12 = £120.00, so this order is under the £135.00 limit and can be processed as normal and sent IOSS with all taxes paid, so please checkout as normal.

When you checkout, as you are in Germany the VAT rate (correct at time of writing) is 19%, so on checkout the website will add 19% to the order value and also 19% to the delivery total. 

(The VAT and delivery costs do not apply to the £135 limit).

However, if for example you wanted to order 50 x ROLL009L 23mm wheel size, the order value would be £8.33 x 50 = £416.50 and would be over the £135 IOSS order limit. In this situation you would need to split the sale and put two or more separate orders through the website to reduce the ex VAT order total to below £135.00


B2B Orders - Orders purchased by businesses or individuals VAT registered in the EU

Orders placed by businesses or individuals that are VAT registered in the EU can be sent ex vat regardless of value as one shipment. This means that VAT, duty and brokerage fees will be applied by customs at the point of entry into the EU (DAP - Delivered at place) and the buyer will then be responsible for paying these costs on delivery. The VAT can then be claimed back on the buyer's VAT return in their country of registration. Please note that if the ex VAT order value is less than £135 the buyer can process the order using the B2C order method instead if they wish.

To allow us to send your order using DAP with VAT removed, we will require your VAT number in the country that you are registered for VAT. We are working on a way that you will be able to enter your VAT number on to our website so the VAT can be deducted from the sale automatically, but in the meantime please contact us directly by email at with the following information and we will provide you with a proforma invoice:-

Company name
Contact name
Delivery address
Contact number
VAT number
Product codes required
Product lengths required
Product quantities required


B2B Order Examples

You are VAT registered in Germany and wish to order 50 x ROLL009L in 23mm wheel size.

You email us stating:- 

Bachmann GmbH
Peter Bauer
Rosenweg 20, 12345 Berlin 
+49 152 901124
Qty x 50


We advertise ROLL009L in a 23mm wheels size at £10.00 including 20% UK VAT.

£10.00 less the 20% UK VAT = £8.33. So each ROLL009L is £8.33 ex VAT.

The total we will invoice you for will be 50 x £8.33, so £416.50 in total plus the current delivery costs.

Once payment has been received the goods will be dispatched. On arrival in Germany you will need to pay any VAT, duty and brokerage fees applied by German customs*

*Please note if VAT, duty and brokerage fees are not paid and the goods can not be delivered, any return costs or costs we incur will be deducted from any refund.

If you have any questions regarding delivery to the EU please email us at

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